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Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics is the general principles of ethical and professional standards by which all Members and Candidates are committed to conduct their practices.

Principle I – Professionalism

1. Provide the highest quality naturopathic therapy to those who seek professional services.

2. Act with integrity, competence and respect in the professional relationships with the public, clients, employers, employees, colleagues and other healthcare practitioners.

3. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations of any government, regulatory organizations and/or professional associations governing their professional activities.

Principle II – Duties to Clients

1. Acknowledge the inherent worth and individuality of each client and make no discrimination of age, race, religion, sexual identity and/or health status.

2. Provide prudence and reasonable care by respecting the client’s opinions and requirements.

3. Abstain from engaging in any immoral activities involving the clients.

4. Preserve the client’s physical and emotional privacy.

Principle III – Duties to Society

1. Make reasonable effort to ascertain a salutary clinical environment.

2. Collaborate with other Members, colleagues or healthcare practitioners to meet the health needs of the public.

3. Pursue career-long training and continuing educations to maintain professional competence and contribute to the advancement of naturopathic medicine.

Principle IV – Responsibilities as a Member or Candidate

1. Refrain from any activity that compromises the reputation and integrity of the Association and/or its Members.

2. Expect to undergo behavior investigation from Association Discipline Committee and respect its decision.

© 2007 by Association des Naturopathes Holistiques du Québec (ANHQ)

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